Happy Monday all. I know many do not like Monday’s because that means a whole work week in front of them. However, if that is the case I challenge them to consider changing jobs…. Radical? Well you are in work more of your waking hours than anywhere else and if you do not enjoy those hours then you should vote with your feet. Stop! Do not rush out there and hand your notice in though. Wait will you have something else to go to. It is important not to have gaps in employment dates on your cv (resume). Believe me the amount of accountants we have seen get rejected for gaps on cvs is extremely high.
There are heaps more jobs on the market now then over the last 18 months, so if you are considering a move and felt there was nothing to go to before, take a look now. If you are an accountant our web site has some very interesting and varied roles. We specialise in moving accountants around the globe. Why not consider an overseas move? After the tough times we have had in the UK over the last couple of years, maybe its time for a clean slate… or a Make Over?
Who else will be considering a make over? Well the top CA firms seem to have been giving it a go, recently PricewaterhouseCoopers have made the much anticipated change to pwc. Causing a little confusion as to if they are now ‘pwc’ or ‘PwC’. Their logo seems to indicate ‘pwc’, but the media article on their sight indicates PwC, then why change their PwC logo other than to take off ‘PricewaterhouseCoopers’? BDO also seem to be dropping off the various other names they have historically had to simply be BDO. This seems a good move to me. Rumour has it Ernst & Young will be next for the make over.
The question is, why spend such a large budget on a change, just as everyone is tight for money and coming out of a recession? Maybe that is just it. The firms have made a lot of change, redundancies, cut backs etc to survive this period and maybe feel they need a fresh image to forget the past.
Any comments on why companies change their brand? The pro’s and the con’s of doing so? ….