From London to Paris: Edward’s Exciting Journey

We recently caught up with Edward, whom we assisted in relocating from London to Paris. Now eight months into his new role, we wanted to find out how he is settling into life and work in this lively city. Edward‘s experience has been very positive, marked by new opportunities and cultural integration.


Enjoying the Parisian Work Life

Edward described his work experience in Paris as fantastic. “The weather is great, and the city is full of opportunities,” he shared. Working from home occasionally and enjoying a casual dress code, he is delighted with the variety of projects he is involved in. His firm supports him with language classes, helping him quickly adapt to working in French, which includes writing reports and conducting meetings in the language.


Settling into the Team

Feeling settled, has integrated well into his team of 30. He found the people at the firm very welcoming. “I had a buddy during my first month who was very supportive. My team leader is always available to answer questions and encourages me to join social events,” he mentioned. These activities, including breakfasts and nights out, have helped him build strong relationships with his colleagues.


Interesting Projects and Experiences

Edward‘s assignment has been particularly interesting, offering experience in financial analysis and various other skills beyond just business transformation. “It’s great to have the opportunity to try out different roles and see what I enjoy. The nature of the job is fascinating, and it’s a fantastic learning experience.”


Life in Paris

Living in Paris has been amazing for Edward. “There are always things to do. Friends are always organizing weekend activities like tennis, gym, and park outings. The city is very international and open-minded, making it easy to live here, similar to London.” He added that the beautiful spring weather, with parks in full bloom and iconic sights like the Eiffel Tower, makes the city even more enjoyable.

Exploring France

He has also had the chance to travel. “One of my first assignments was in Strasbourg for two weeks, where I experienced the Christmas market. I’ve also visited Tours, a small medieval town, and done lots of exploring around Paris.”


Challenges and Successes

Despite the positive experience, Edward faced some challenges with the visa process, However, he has adjusted well to the local customs, including the coffee breaks and lunch hours.

 Flexible Working and Accommodation

He enjoys a flexible work schedule, typically spending two days a week in the office, though his assignment requires full-time office presence. Finding accommodation was initially challenging, but he successfully secured a nice place thanks to his job’s credibility.

Support and Tips

Edward appreciated the support he received during his relocation. “Your services were excellent. I was in regular contact with the recruiter, who provided valuable advice and kept checking in. The extensive file with information about the city was incredibly helpful.”

His tips for others considering a move include learning about the local culture and lifestyle. “Try to learn as much as you can about the way of life, the people, and the accommodation.”


Final Thoughts

Edward‘s journey from London to Paris has been about learning and growth. His story highlights the opportunities and experiences that come with making such a move, and he is more than happy he made the leap.

if you’re an accountant looking for a move and considering following Edward steps and explore all the worldwide opportunities that await you abroad.  Please reach out to us for assistance in this amazing journey.  +44 (0)131 260 5850.